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Cazare Băişoara

Cazare Romania / Cazare Băişoara

Intrebari despre Cazare Băişoara

Cum rezervi cazare cu tichete de vacanță în Băişoara?

Pe site-ul nostru găsești opțiunile de cazare Băişoara care acceptă tichete de vacanță în mod direct. Mai mult decât atât, majoritatea agențiilor de turism au acces la unitățile care oferă cazare Băişoara afișate aici. Puteți opta pentru achiziționarea de cazare cu tichete de vacanță la oricare dintre acestea.

Cazare in apropiere de Băişoara

Cazare Beliș


DC121 nr.219, Județul Cluj, Beliș, Romania

At FLOARE DE COLT you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Beliș FLOARE DE COLT has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at FLOARE DE COLT, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. FLOARE DE COLT in Beliș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Hotel Bianca 3* Beliș

DC121 nr.105A, Județul Cluj, Beliș, Romania

Your accommodation at Hotel Bianca 3* does not offer wi-fi acces. Hotel Bianca 3* has parking available near the unit. Hotel Bianca 3* from Beliș is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Bianca 3* has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Bianca 3* in Beliș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

295 RON

Cazare Turda

Ratiu House Turda

Piața 1 Decembrie 1918 nr.34, Județul Cluj, Turda, Romania

At Ratiu House you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Turda Ratiu House has parking available near the unit. Ratiu House from Turda is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Ratiu House has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Ratiu House in Turda does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

210 RON

Salis Hotel & Medical Spa Turda

Piața Basarabiei nr.44, Județul Cluj, Turda, Romania

At Salis Hotel & Medical Spa you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Turda Salis Hotel & Medical Spa has parking available near the unit. Salis Hotel & Medical Spa from Turda is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Salis Hotel & Medical Spa has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Salis Hotel & Medical Spa in Turda does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

491 EUR

Pensiunea Casa Tudor Turda

Strada Nicolae Iorga nr.25a, Județul Cluj, Turda, Romania

At Pensiunea Casa Tudor you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Turda Pensiunea Casa Tudor has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Pensiunea Casa Tudor, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Casa Tudor in Turda does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Pensiunea Giandra Turda

Str. Lucerniştei nr.6, Județul Cluj, Turda, Romania

At Pensiunea Giandra you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Turda Pensiunea Giandra has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Pensiunea Giandra, having access to child friendly facilities. Pensiunea Giandra has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Giandra in Turda does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Hotel Castelul Printul Vanator & Dracula Turda

Strada Șterca Șuluțiu nr.4, Județul Cluj, Turda, Romania

At Hotel Castelul Printul Vanator & Dracula you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Turda Hotel Castelul Printul Vanator & Dracula has parking available near the unit. Hotel Castelul Printul Vanator & Dracula from Turda is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Castelul Printul Vanator & Dracula has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Castelul Printul Vanator & Dracula in Turda does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

504 RON

Cazare Câmpia Turzii

Pensiunea Milexim Câmpia Turzii

Strada Laminoriştilor nr.208a, Județul Cluj, Câmpia Turzii, Romania

At Pensiunea Milexim you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Câmpia Turzii Pensiunea Milexim has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Milexim from Câmpia Turzii is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea Milexim has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Milexim in Câmpia Turzii does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

240 RON
