Cazare Lancrăm

Cazare Romania / Cazare Lancrăm
Photo Crema Residence

Crema Residence Alba Iulia


Strada Gheorghe Pop de Băsești nr.16, Județul Alba, Alba Iulia, Romania

At Crema Residence you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Alba Iulia Crema Residence has parking available near the unit. Crema Residence from Alba Iulia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Crema Residence has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Crema Residence in Alba Iulia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

150 RON

Accommodation Select Alba Iulia

Pensiunea Select Alba Iulia

Strada Biruinței nr.55, Județul Alba, Alba Iulia, Romania

At Pensiunea Select you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Alba Iulia Pensiunea Select has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Select from Alba Iulia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea Select has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Select in Alba Iulia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

169 RON

Gallery Leul de Aur 4*

Leul de Aur 4* Sebeș

Strada Revoluţia 1848 nr.3, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

Your accommodation at Leul de Aur 4* does not offer wi-fi acces. Leul de Aur 4* in Sebeș does not have parking. Leul de Aur 4* from Sebeș is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Leul de Aur 4* in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

380 RON

Gallery Pensiunea Rustik

Pensiunea Rustik Lancram

DN1, Județul Alba, Lancram, Romania

At Pensiunea Rustik you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Lancram Pensiunea Rustik has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Rustik from Lancram is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea Rustik has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Rustik in Lancram does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Gallery Boema Lancrăm

Pensiunea Boema Lancrăm

Strada Principală nr.184, Județul Alba, Lancrăm, Romania

At Pensiunea Boema you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Lancrăm Pensiunea Boema has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Boema from Lancrăm is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea Boema has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Boema in Lancrăm does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Overview Motel Dacia Sebeș

Motel Dacia Sebeș


Drumul Sibiului nr.40A, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

At Motel Dacia you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sebeș Motel Dacia has parking available near the unit. Motel Dacia from Sebeș is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Motel Dacia has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Motel Dacia in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Photo Eka Sebeș

Hotel Eka Sebeș

Strada Mihail Kogălniceanu, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

At Hotel Eka you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sebeș Hotel Eka has parking available near the unit. Hotel Eka from Sebeș is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Hotel Eka in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

135 RON

Photo Hotel Fan

Hotel Fan Alba Iulia

Strada Iașilor nr.90, Județul Alba, Alba Iulia, Romania

At Hotel Fan you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Alba Iulia Hotel Fan has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Hotel Fan, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Hotel Fan in Alba Iulia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

110 RON

Accommodation Perla Muresului

Pensiunea Perla Muresului Alba Iulia

Strada Biruinței nr.3, Județul Alba, Alba Iulia, Romania

At Pensiunea Perla Muresului you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Alba Iulia Pensiunea Perla Muresului has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Perla Muresului from Alba Iulia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea Perla Muresului has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Perla Muresului in Alba Iulia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Overview Astoria

Hotel Astoria Alba Iulia

Bulevardul Ferdinand I nr.78, Județul Alba, Alba Iulia, Romania

At Hotel Astoria you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Alba Iulia Hotel Astoria has parking available near the unit. Hotel Astoria from Alba Iulia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Astoria has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Astoria in Alba Iulia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Gallery Mariss Alba Iulia

Hotel Mariss Alba Iulia

Strada Viilor nr.39, Județul Alba, Alba Iulia, Romania

At Hotel Mariss you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Alba Iulia Hotel Mariss has parking available near the unit. Hotel Mariss from Alba Iulia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Mariss has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Mariss in Alba Iulia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

145 RON

Photo Karlhof Sebeș

Karlhof Sebeș

Strada Șurianu nr.30, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

At Karlhof you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sebeș Karlhof has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Karlhof, having access to child friendly facilities. Karlhof has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Karlhof in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

203 RON

Accommodation Pensiunea Mary Lou

Pensiunea Mary Lou Alba Iulia

Strada Mușețelului nr.27, Județul Alba, Alba Iulia, Romania

At Pensiunea Mary Lou you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Alba Iulia Pensiunea Mary Lou has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Pensiunea Mary Lou, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Mary Lou in Alba Iulia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Strada Regimentul V Vânători nr.81, Județul Alba, Alba Iulia, Romania

At PENSIUNEA MARGARETA you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Alba Iulia PENSIUNEA MARGARETA has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at PENSIUNEA MARGARETA, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. PENSIUNEA MARGARETA in Alba Iulia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Accommodation Clasic

Hotel Clasic Sebeș

Drumul Sibiului nr.12, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

At Hotel Clasic you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sebeș Hotel Clasic has parking available near the unit. Hotel Clasic from Sebeș is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Clasic has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Clasic in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Intrebari despre Cazare Lancrăm

Care sunt cele mai populare hoteluri din Lancrăm?

Din opțiunile de Cazare Sibiu pe care le oferim, cele mai populare variante in aceasta perioada sunt Pensiunea Boema, Karlhof și Pensiunea Mary Lou

Cauți cazare ieftină în Lancrăm?

Încercăm să-ți oferim întotdeauna cele mai ieftine variante pentru cazare, motiv pentru care îți sugerăm să încerci Hotel Eka, Hotel Mariss și Crema Residence

Cum rezervi cazare cu tichete de vacanță în Lancrăm?

Pe site-ul nostru găsești opțiunile de cazare Lancrăm care acceptă tichete de vacanță în mod direct. Mai mult decât atât, majoritatea agențiilor de turism au acces la unitățile care oferă cazare Lancrăm afișate aici. Puteți opta pentru achiziționarea de cazare cu tichete de vacanță la oricare dintre acestea.

Cazare in apropiere de Lancrăm

Cazare Sebeș

Photo Karlhof Sebeș

Karlhof Sebeș

Strada Șurianu nr.30, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

At Karlhof you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sebeș Karlhof has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Karlhof, having access to child friendly facilities. Karlhof has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Karlhof in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

203 RON

Gallery Leul de Aur 4*

Leul de Aur 4* Sebeș

Strada Revoluţia 1848 nr.3, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

Your accommodation at Leul de Aur 4* does not offer wi-fi acces. Leul de Aur 4* in Sebeș does not have parking. Leul de Aur 4* from Sebeș is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Leul de Aur 4* in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

380 RON

Overview Motel Dacia Sebeș

Motel Dacia Sebeș


Drumul Sibiului nr.40A, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

At Motel Dacia you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sebeș Motel Dacia has parking available near the unit. Motel Dacia from Sebeș is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Motel Dacia has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Motel Dacia in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Accommodation Clasic

Hotel Clasic Sebeș

Drumul Sibiului nr.12, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

At Hotel Clasic you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sebeș Hotel Clasic has parking available near the unit. Hotel Clasic from Sebeș is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Clasic has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Clasic in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Photo Eka Sebeș

Hotel Eka Sebeș

Strada Mihail Kogălniceanu, Județul Alba, Sebeș, Romania

At Hotel Eka you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sebeș Hotel Eka has parking available near the unit. Hotel Eka from Sebeș is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Hotel Eka in Sebeș does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

135 RON

Cazare Pianu de Sus

Image Casa Dives - Transylvania

Casa Dives - Transylvania Pianu de Sus

Strada Bisericii Alba Iulia, Județul Alba, Pianu de Sus, Romania

At Casa Dives - Transylvania you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Pianu de Sus Casa Dives - Transylvania has parking available near the unit. Casa Dives - Transylvania from Pianu de Sus is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Casa Dives - Transylvania has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Casa Dives - Transylvania in Pianu de Sus does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

155 RON

Cazare Sibiel

Image Pensiunea Andrei Sibiel

Pensiunea Andrei Sibiel

Strada Râului nr.183, Județul Sibiu, Sibiel, Romania

At Pensiunea Andrei you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sibiel Pensiunea Andrei has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Andrei from Sibiel is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea Andrei has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Andrei in Sibiel does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Overview The River Chalet Sibiel

The River Chalet Sibiel

Strada Unghiului nr.359, Județul Sibiu, Sibiel, Romania

At The River Chalet you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sibiel The River Chalet has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at The River Chalet, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. The River Chalet in Sibiel does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Image Pensiunea FLORI

Pensiunea FLORI Sibiel

Strada Unghiului nr.Nr 27, Județul Sibiu, Sibiel, Romania

At Pensiunea FLORI you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sibiel Pensiunea FLORI has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea FLORI from Sibiel is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea FLORI has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea FLORI in Sibiel does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Overview Portal ge - Adults Only 4*

Portal Village - Adults Only 4* Sibiel

Strada Utea nr.73, Județul Sibiu, Sibiel, Romania

At Portal Village - Adults Only 4* you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sibiel Portal Village - Adults Only 4* has parking available near the unit. Portal Village - Adults Only 4* from Sibiel is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Portal Village - Adults Only 4* has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Portal Village - Adults Only 4* in Sibiel does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

647 RON