Cazare Șirnea

Cazare Romania / Cazare Șirnea
Image Europark Resort Fundata

Europark Resort Fundata Fundata

sat Fundatica, România nr.219B, Județul Brașov, Fundata, Romania

At Europark Resort Fundata you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Fundata Europark Resort Fundata has parking available near the unit. Europark Resort Fundata from Fundata is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Europark Resort Fundata has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Europark Resort Fundata in Fundata does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

238 RON

Photo Casa Muntelui Fundata

Casa Muntelui Fundata

DJ730A nr.45, Județul Brașov, Fundata, Romania

At Casa Muntelui you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Fundata Casa Muntelui has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Casa Muntelui, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Casa Muntelui in Fundata does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

448 RON

Accommodation Irina 3 Zărnești

Pensiunea Irina 3 Zărnești

Strada Paului nr.82, Județul Brașov, Zărnești, Romania

At Pensiunea Irina 3 you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Zărnești Pensiunea Irina 3 has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Pensiunea Irina 3, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Irina 3 in Zărnești does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

185 RON

Photo Akasha Retreat

Akasha Retreat Peștera

DC58 nr.187, Județul Brașov, Peștera, Romania

Your accommodation at Akasha Retreat does not offer wi-fi acces. Akasha Retreat in Peștera does not have parking. Akasha Retreat from Peștera is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Akasha Retreat in Peștera does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

740 RON

Photo Raiul Carpatin Fundata

Raiul Carpatin Fundata

Strada PRINCIPALA nr.141 E, Județul Brașov, Fundata, Romania

At Raiul Carpatin you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Fundata Raiul Carpatin has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Raiul Carpatin, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Raiul Carpatin in Fundata does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Gallery Pensiunea Casa Tabacaru

Pensiunea Casa Tabacaru Peștera

Dealu Derestilor nr. 137 C, com. Moeciu de Jos, Județul Brașov, Peștera, Romania

At Pensiunea Casa Tabacaru you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Peștera Pensiunea Casa Tabacaru has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Casa Tabacaru from Peștera is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea Casa Tabacaru has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Casa Tabacaru in Peștera does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

250 RON

Photo Valea Cascadelor

Complex Valea Cascadelor Rucăr

DC442 nr.34, Județul Argeș, Rucăr, Romania

At Complex Valea Cascadelor you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Rucăr Complex Valea Cascadelor has parking available near the unit. Complex Valea Cascadelor from Rucăr is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Complex Valea Cascadelor has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Complex Valea Cascadelor in Rucăr does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Accommodation Acasa La Moieciu

Pensiunea Acasa La Moieciu Moieciu de Jos

DN73F nr.46, Județul Brașov, Moieciu de Jos, Romania

At Pensiunea Acasa La Moieciu you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Moieciu de Jos Pensiunea Acasa La Moieciu has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Acasa La Moieciu from Moieciu de Jos is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Acasa La Moieciu in Moieciu de Jos does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Accommodation Dorali Moieciu de Jos

Pensiunea Dorali Moieciu de Jos

Strada Principală nr.247, Județul Brașov, Moieciu de Jos, Romania

At Pensiunea Dorali you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Moieciu de Jos Pensiunea Dorali has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Dorali from Moieciu de Jos is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Dorali in Moieciu de Jos does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

1100 RON

Photo Turistic 7 Crai Zărnești

Complex Turistic 7 Crai Zărnești

Tamas nr.8, Brașov, Zărnești, Romania

Your accommodation at Complex Turistic 7 Crai does not offer wi-fi acces. Complex Turistic 7 Crai has parking available near the unit. Complex Turistic 7 Crai from Zărnești is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Complex Turistic 7 Crai has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Complex Turistic 7 Crai in Zărnești does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

230 RON

Overview Pensiunea Casa Zarnesteana Zărnești

Pensiunea Casa Zarnesteana Zărnești

Strada Avram Iancu nr.58, Județul Brașov, Zărnești, Romania

At Pensiunea Casa Zarnesteana you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Zărnești Pensiunea Casa Zarnesteana has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Casa Zarnesteana from Zărnești is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Casa Zarnesteana in Zărnești does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

150 RON

Photo Pensiunea Crai Nou

Pensiunea Crai Nou Șirnea

DJ730 nr.227, Județul Brașov, Șirnea, Romania

Your accommodation at Pensiunea Crai Nou does not offer wi-fi acces. Pensiunea Crai Nou in Șirnea does not have parking. Pensiunea Crai Nou from Șirnea is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Crai Nou in Șirnea does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

300 RON

Gallery Ursa Mica Glamping 4* Fundata

Ursa Mica Glamping Resort 4* Fundata


Sirnea Ciocanu, Brașov, Fundata, Romania

At Ursa Mica Glamping Resort 4* you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Fundata Ursa Mica Glamping Resort 4* has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Ursa Mica Glamping Resort 4*, having access to child friendly facilities. Ursa Mica Glamping Resort 4* has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Ursa Mica Glamping Resort 4* in Fundata does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

1089 RON

Image Irina 2

Pensiunea Irina 2 Zărnești

Strada Râului, Județul Brașov, Zărnești, Romania

At Pensiunea Irina 2 you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Zărnești Pensiunea Irina 2 has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Pensiunea Irina 2, having access to child friendly facilities. Pensiunea Irina 2 has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Irina 2 in Zărnești does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

280 RON

Overview Cabana Tamas Zărnești

Cabana Tamas Zărnești


Brașov, Zărnești, Romania

Your accommodation at Cabana Tamas does not offer wi-fi acces. Cabana Tamas in Zărnești does not have parking. Cabana Tamas from Zărnești is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Cabana Tamas has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Cabana Tamas in Zărnești does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

1500 RON

Accommodation Cabana Baciu

Cabana Baciu Zărnești


Brașov, Zărnești, Romania

Your accommodation at Cabana Baciu does not offer wi-fi acces. Cabana Baciu in Zărnești does not have parking. Cabana Baciu from Zărnești is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Cabana Baciu in Zărnești does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

1000 RON

Accommodation Cabana Calinet

Cabana Calinet Zărnești


Brașov, Zărnești, Romania

Your accommodation at Cabana Calinet does not offer wi-fi acces. Cabana Calinet in Zărnești does not have parking. Cabana Calinet from Zărnești is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Cabana Calinet in Zărnești does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

700 RON

Gallery Kyfana

Pensiunea Kyfana Zărnești

Strada Horia nr.4, Județul Brașov, Zărnești, Romania

Your accommodation at Pensiunea Kyfana does not offer wi-fi acces. Pensiunea Kyfana in Zărnești does not have parking. Pensiunea Kyfana from Zărnești is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Kyfana in Zărnești does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

280 RON

Photo Pensiunea Irina 1 Zărnești

Pensiunea Irina 1 Zărnești

Strada Râului, Județul Brașov, Zărnești, Romania

At Pensiunea Irina 1 you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Zărnești Pensiunea Irina 1 has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Pensiunea Irina 1, having access to child friendly facilities. Pensiunea Irina 1 has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Irina 1 in Zărnești does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

230 RON

Gallery Boutique Garden by Brancoveanu Moieciu de Jos

Boutique Hotel Garden Resort by Brancoveanu Moieciu de Jos

Strada Principală 378A, Județul Brașov, Moieciu de Jos, Romania

At Boutique Hotel Garden Resort by Brancoveanu you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Moieciu de Jos Boutique Hotel Garden Resort by Brancoveanu has parking available near the unit. Boutique Hotel Garden Resort by Brancoveanu from Moieciu de Jos is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Boutique Hotel Garden Resort by Brancoveanu has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Boutique Hotel Garden Resort by Brancoveanu in Moieciu de Jos does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Intrebari despre Cazare Șirnea

Care sunt cele mai populare hoteluri din Șirnea?

Din opțiunile de Cazare Sibiu pe care le oferim, cele mai populare variante in aceasta perioada sunt Europark Resort Fundata, Pensiunea Casa Tabacaru și Cabana Baciu

Cauți cazare ieftină în Șirnea?

Încercăm să-ți oferim întotdeauna cele mai ieftine variante pentru cazare, motiv pentru care îți sugerăm să încerci Pensiunea Casa Zarnesteana, Pensiunea Irina 3 și Pensiunea Irina 1

Cum rezervi cazare cu tichete de vacanță în Șirnea?

Pe site-ul nostru găsești opțiunile de cazare Șirnea care acceptă tichete de vacanță în mod direct. Mai mult decât atât, majoritatea agențiilor de turism au acces la unitățile care oferă cazare Șirnea afișate aici. Puteți opta pentru achiziționarea de cazare cu tichete de vacanță la oricare dintre acestea.

Cazare in apropiere de Șirnea

Cazare Bran

Image Trattoria Al Gallo Bran

Pensiunea Trattoria Al Gallo Bran

Strada Sextil Pușcariu nr.31, Județul Brașov, Bran, Romania

At Pensiunea Trattoria Al Gallo you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Bran Pensiunea Trattoria Al Gallo has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Pensiunea Trattoria Al Gallo, having access to child friendly facilities. Pensiunea Trattoria Al Gallo has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Trattoria Al Gallo in Bran does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Gallery Ara Chalet

Ara Chalet Bran


Strada Reitești nr.2, Județul Brașov, Bran, Romania

Your accommodation at Ara Chalet does not offer wi-fi acces. Ara Chalet in Bran does not have parking. Ara Chalet from Bran is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Ara Chalet in Bran does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

400 RON

Overview Pensiunea La Busu Bran

Pensiunea La Busu Bran

Strada Valea Porţii 75, Județul Brașov, Bran, Romania

At Pensiunea La Busu you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Bran Pensiunea La Busu has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea La Busu from Bran is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea La Busu in Bran does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Image Villa Siana Bran

Villa Siana Bran


Strada Livadie nr.177 A, Județul Brașov, Bran, Romania

At Villa Siana you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Bran Villa Siana has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Villa Siana, having access to child friendly facilities. Villa Siana has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Villa Siana in Bran does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Photo Pensiunea Carina Bran

Pensiunea Carina Bran

Strada Profesor Ioan Clinciu nr.Nr. 13, Județul Brașov, Bran, Romania

At Pensiunea Carina you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Bran Pensiunea Carina has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Carina from Bran is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Carina in Bran does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Cazare Pârâul Rece

Gallery Bucegi Portile Regatului

Hotel Bucegi Portile Regatului Pârâul Rece

Strada Valea Râșnoavei, Județul Brașov, Pârâul Rece, Romania

At Hotel Bucegi Portile Regatului you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Pârâul Rece Hotel Bucegi Portile Regatului has parking available near the unit. Hotel Bucegi Portile Regatului from Pârâul Rece is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Bucegi Portile Regatului has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Bucegi Portile Regatului in Pârâul Rece does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Photo Paraul Rece

Hotel Paraul Rece Pârâul Rece

Strada Valea Râșnoavei, Județul Brașov, Pârâul Rece, Romania

At Hotel Paraul Rece you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Pârâul Rece Hotel Paraul Rece has parking available near the unit. Hotel Paraul Rece from Pârâul Rece is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Paraul Rece has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Paraul Rece in Pârâul Rece does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Cazare Poiana Mărului

Photo Green Hill Panoramic Poiana Mărului

Green Hill Panoramic Poiana Mărului


nr.614D, Județul Brașov, Poiana Mărului, Romania

At Green Hill Panoramic you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Poiana Mărului Green Hill Panoramic has parking available near the unit. Green Hill Panoramic from Poiana Mărului is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Green Hill Panoramic in Poiana Mărului does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

650 RON

Accommodation FLOARE DE COLT Poiana Mărului

Pensiunea FLOARE DE COLT Poiana Mărului

DC50A, Județul Brașov, Poiana Mărului, Romania

At Pensiunea FLOARE DE COLT you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Poiana Mărului Pensiunea FLOARE DE COLT has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea FLOARE DE COLT from Poiana Mărului is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea FLOARE DE COLT in Poiana Mărului does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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