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Cazare Posada

Cazare Romania / Cazare Posada

Hotel Carpathia Sinaia

Bulevardul Carol I nr.46, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Hotel Carpathia you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Hotel Carpathia has parking available near the unit. Hotel Carpathia from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Carpathia has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Carpathia in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

420 RON

Hotel Excelsior Boutique Sinaia

Strada Octavian Goga nr.13, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Hotel Excelsior Boutique you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Hotel Excelsior Boutique has parking available near the unit. Hotel Excelsior Boutique from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Hotel Excelsior Boutique in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

350 RON



Bulevardul Carol I 6, 106100, România, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At EXPECTO APARTMENTS SINAIA you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia EXPECTO APARTMENTS SINAIA in Sinaia does not have parking. EXPECTO APARTMENTS SINAIA from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. EXPECTO APARTMENTS SINAIA in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

300 RON

Hotel Anda Sinaia

Bulevardul Carol I nr.30, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Hotel Anda you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Hotel Anda has parking available near the unit. Hotel Anda from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Anda has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Anda in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Casa Galbena Sinaia

Strada Gențiana nr.2, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Casa Galbena you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Casa Galbena has parking available near the unit. Casa Galbena from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Casa Galbena in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Hotel Crema Deluxe Sinaia

Bulevardul Ferdinand nr.18, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Hotel Crema Deluxe you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Hotel Crema Deluxe has parking available near the unit. Hotel Crema Deluxe from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Crema Deluxe has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Crema Deluxe in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Pensiunea Ana Maria Sinaia

Strada Avram Iancu nr.2A, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Pensiunea Ana Maria you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Pensiunea Ana Maria in Sinaia does not have parking. Pensiunea Ana Maria from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Ana Maria in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Pensiunea Restaurant Alex Sinaia

Strada Theodor Aman nr.9, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Pensiunea Restaurant Alex you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Pensiunea Restaurant Alex has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Restaurant Alex from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea Restaurant Alex has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Restaurant Alex in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Casa Traian Sinaia

Strada Platoul Izvor nr.35, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Casa Traian you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Casa Traian has parking available near the unit. Casa Traian from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Casa Traian in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Hotel Cristal Stadion Sinaia

Calea București nr.24, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Hotel Cristal Stadion you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Hotel Cristal Stadion has parking available near the unit. Hotel Cristal Stadion from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Cristal Stadion has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Cristal Stadion in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

130 RON

Pensiunea Thomas Sinaia

Fundătura Leaota nr.4, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Pensiunea Thomas you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Pensiunea Thomas has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Thomas from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Thomas in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Vila Retezat Sinaia


Strada Mihail Kogălniceanu nr.68, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Vila Retezat you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Vila Retezat has parking available near the unit. Vila Retezat from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Vila Retezat in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Vila Camelia Sinaia


Fundătura Zadei nr.3, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Vila Camelia you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Vila Camelia has parking available near the unit. Vila Camelia from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Vila Camelia in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Casa Cu Farfurii Sinaia

Strada Mănăstirii nr.13, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Casa Cu Farfurii you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Casa Cu Farfurii has parking available near the unit. Casa Cu Farfurii from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Casa Cu Farfurii has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Casa Cu Farfurii in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Hotel Roberto Sinaia

Strada Mihail Kogălniceanu nr.39, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Hotel Roberto you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Hotel Roberto has parking available near the unit. Hotel Roberto from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Roberto has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Roberto in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Motel National Sinaia


Calea București nr.48, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Motel National you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Motel National has parking available near the unit. Motel National from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Motel National has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Motel National in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Casa Doina Sinaia

Bulevardul Carol I nr.12, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Casa Doina you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Casa Doina has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Casa Doina, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Casa Doina in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Vila Aleea Sinaia


Strada Mihai Eminescu nr.5, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Vila Aleea you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Vila Aleea has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Vila Aleea, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Vila Aleea in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Pensiunea Argesu Sinaia

Calea Prahovei nr.9, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Pensiunea Argesu you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Pensiunea Argesu has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Argesu from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Pensiunea Argesu has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Pensiunea Argesu in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Pensiunea New Aosta Garden Sinaia

Strada Aosta nr.28, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Pensiunea New Aosta Garden you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Pensiunea New Aosta Garden has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Pensiunea New Aosta Garden, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea New Aosta Garden in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

120 RON

Pensiunea Dona Sinaia

Bulevardul Republicii nr.34A, Județul Prahova, Sinaia, Romania

At Pensiunea Dona you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Sinaia Pensiunea Dona has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Dona from Sinaia is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Dona in Sinaia does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

130 RON

Intrebari despre Cazare Posada

Care sunt cele mai populare hoteluri din Posada?

Din opțiunile de Cazare Sibiu pe care le oferim, cele mai populare variante in aceasta perioada sunt Pensiunea Restaurant Alex, Casa Traian și Vila Aleea

Cauți cazare ieftină în Posada?

Încercăm să-ți oferim întotdeauna cele mai ieftine variante pentru cazare, motiv pentru care îți sugerăm să încerci Pensiunea Dona, Vila Aleea și Hotel Crema Deluxe

Cum rezervi cazare cu tichete de vacanță în Posada?

Pe site-ul nostru găsești opțiunile de cazare Posada care acceptă tichete de vacanță în mod direct. Mai mult decât atât, majoritatea agențiilor de turism au acces la unitățile care oferă cazare Posada afișate aici. Puteți opta pentru achiziționarea de cazare cu tichete de vacanță la oricare dintre acestea.

Cazare in apropiere de Posada

Cazare Moroeni

Casa Moroeni Moroeni


Spitet nr.67, Județul Dâmbovița, Moroeni, Romania

At Casa Moroeni you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Moroeni Casa Moroeni has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Casa Moroeni, having access to child friendly facilities. Casa Moroeni has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Casa Moroeni in Moroeni does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Complex Hotelier COTA O MIE Moroeni

DN71, Județul Dambovita, Moroeni, Romania

At Complex Hotelier COTA O MIE you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Moroeni Complex Hotelier COTA O MIE has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Complex Hotelier COTA O MIE, having access to child friendly facilities. Complex Hotelier COTA O MIE has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Complex Hotelier COTA O MIE in Moroeni does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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Cazare Boldești-Scăeni

Casa Seciu Boldești-Scăeni

Podgoriei, Prahova, Boldești-Scăeni, Romania

At Casa Seciu you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Boldești-Scăeni Casa Seciu has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Casa Seciu, having access to child friendly facilities. Casa Seciu has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Casa Seciu in Boldești-Scăeni does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

290 RON

Cazare Brașov

HB Brilliant Brașov

Strada Zizinului nr.46, Județul Brașov, Brașov, Romania

At HB Brilliant you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Brașov HB Brilliant has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at HB Brilliant, having access to child friendly facilities. HB Brilliant has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. HB Brilliant in Brașov does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

350 RON

Brasov Holiday Apartments Brașov


Strada Egretei, Județul Brașov, Brașov, Romania

At Brasov Holiday Apartments you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Brașov Brasov Holiday Apartments has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at Brasov Holiday Apartments, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. Brasov Holiday Apartments in Brașov does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

203 EUR

Pensiunea Green Park Brașov

Calea București nr.310d, Județul Brașov, Brașov, Romania

At Pensiunea Green Park you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Brașov Pensiunea Green Park has parking available near the unit. Pensiunea Green Park from Brașov is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. This unit does not have a restaurant. Pensiunea Green Park in Brașov does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

Prices from

150 RON

Hotel Belvedere Brașov

Strada Stejerișului nr.11b, Județul Brașov, Brașov, Romania

At Hotel Belvedere you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Brașov Hotel Belvedere has parking available near the unit. Hotel Belvedere from Brașov is not a good match for accommodating families with small children. Hotel Belvedere has a restaurant available. Your offer may include breakfast. Hotel Belvedere in Brașov does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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The Mountain Villa Brașov


Strada Valea Cheii nr.44, Județul Brașov, Brașov, Romania

At The Mountain Villa you have access free of charge for your entire stay in Brașov The Mountain Villa has parking available near the unit. Families are welcomed at The Mountain Villa, having access to child friendly facilities. This unit does not have a restaurant. The Mountain Villa in Brașov does not accept bookings with holiday vouchers.

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